
never expect, never assume, never ask and never demand.
just let it be. because if it's meant to be, it will happen the way you want things to be.

honey playing with her favorite toy! you know why? because that toy is uber noisy! she likes to irritate us by shaking the toy. if we /ignore her, she will barks at us until we give her the "oh honey, what you want" face. haha!



do this when you're feeling down :)

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)

Farewell Lunch

You were worth the fight, but I couldn’t fight forever.

Farewell lunch sounds like i'm retiring :x
Lunch with KK , John and Wan Jie yesterday @ beauty world.

and of course, lunch with Peter, Johnny, Wan Jie, Gary and Perng Jie @ turf city! haha i sounds so noob when johnny asked me whether i know my way there not. okay,it's only a 5mins drive there and i didn't know. that evil johnny laughed at me but of course. i thought of what to give you as your wedding gifts already johnny. you don't need an MC on that day, i will help you entertain your guests by showing them your staff photo! they will laugh till their pants down. HAHAHA!

Peter and Johnny ordered a lot of dim sums and we couldn't finish everything (34 "long"). PJ and Gary keep forcing me to eat when i'm like 99% fun, see they're super duper evil!




001. i miss somebody right now.
002. i watch more tv than i used to.
003. i love olives.
004. i love sleeping.
005. i own lots of books.
006. i wear glasses or contact lenses.
007. i love to play video games.
008. i’ve watched porn movies.
010. i have been in a threesome.
011. i have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
012. i believe honesty is the best policy.
013. i have acne free skin. No acne, got pimple LOL!
014. i like and respect al sharpton.
015. i curse frequently.
016. i’ve changed a lot mentally over the last year.
017. i have a hobby. but i don’t make it as often as i can anymore.
018. i’ve been told i have a nice butt.
019. i carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
020. i’m really, really smart.
021. i’ve never broken anyone else’s bones.
022.i have a secret that i am ashamed to reveal.
023. i love rain.
024. i’m paranoid at times.
025. i would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
026. i need money right now.
027. i love sushi
028. i talk really, really fast sometimes.
029. i have fresh breath in the morning.
030. i have semi-long hair.
032. i have at least one brother and/or sister.
033. i was born in a country outside of the u.s.

034. i shave my legs.
035. i have a twin. [please don't tell me ah pan -.-]
037. i couldn’t survive without caller i.d.
038. i like the way that i look
039. i have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months.
041. i am usually pessimistic.
042. i have mood swings.
043. i think prostitution should be legalized.
044. i think britney spears is pretty.
045. i have cheated on a significant other.
046. i have a hidden talent.
047. i’m always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.
048. i think that i’m popular.
049. i am currently single.
050. i have kissed someone of the same sex.

051. i enjoy talking on the phone.
052. i practically live in sweatpants or pj pants.
053. i love to shop.
054. i would rather shop than eat.
055. i would classify myself as ghetto.
056. i’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
057. i’m obsessed with my blog!
058. i don’t hate anyone.
059. i’m a pretty good dancer.
060. i’m a horrible dancer.
061. i’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
062. i have a cell phone.
063. i watch much music on a daily basis.
064. i have cried myself to sleep before.
065. i have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
067. i have never been in a real relationship before.
068. i’ve rejected someone before.
069. i currently have a crush on someone.
070. i have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
071. i want to have children in the future.

072. i have changed a diaper before.
073. i’ve had the cops called on me before.
074. i bite my nails.
076. i’m not allergic to anything deadly.
077. i have a lot to learn.
078. i have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger.
080. i am very shy around the opposite sex.
081. i’m online 24/7, even as an away message.
082. i have at least 5 away messages saved.
083. i have tried alcohol before.
084. i have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past.
085. i own the “south park” movie.
088. i enjoy country music.
089. i love my best friend(s).
090. i think that pizza hut has the best pizza.
091. i watch soap operas whenever i can.
092. i’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist.
096. halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
097. i watch spongebob squarepants and i like it.
098. i have dated a close friend’s ex.

099. i’m happy as of this moment.
100. i have gone scuba diving.
102. i’ve kissed someone i knew i shouldn’t.

101. i’ve had a crush on someone i’ve never met.
103. i play a musical instrument.
104. i strongly dislike math.
105. i’m procrastinating on something right now.
106. i own and use a library card.
107. i fall in “lust” more than in “love”.
108. cheese enchiladas rock my socks.
109. i think the lord of the rings is one of the greatest things ever.
110. i’m obsessed with the tv show “lost.”
111. i am resentful that i have to grow up.
112. i am an entirely different person around different people.

113. i think the world would be a better place if people just smiled and meant it more often.
114. i think ramen is the best kind of food in the whole world.
115. i am suffering of a broken heart.
116. i am a nerd.
117. no matter where i am or who i’m with, i always seem to be lonely.
118. i am left handed and proud of it.
119. i don’t change who i am for someone else.
120. my heart resides below my feet.
121. i am a senior in school.
122. i enjoy smoothies.
123. i have gastritis.
124. i have nothing better to do with my time.
125. i am listening to radiohead right now.
126. most people call me by my middle name.
127. i once stole a music stand.
129. i love nascar!
130. i own over 200 cds.
131. i work 7 days a week.
132. i have mono.
132. i don’t have the ability to make decisions without changing my mind.
133. people tell me i have a horrible sense of humor.
134. i’m only wearing underwear.
136. i’ve driven to a different state to see a band i liked.
137. i am the most over analytical person i know.
138. i believe in wasting time.
139. i don’t listen to too much music.
141. my favorite holiday isn’t christmas.
142. i prefer weeks off of work instead of days here and there.

143. i love sex.
144. i wanna go home.
145. i don’t know what i would do without my friends.
146. christmas threw up in my dorm room and i love it.
147. friends is (one of) my favorite tv shows.
148. i’m hungry.
149. i’m still angry about the nip/tuck season 2 finale cliffhanger.
150. i’m a potterhead and proud of it!
151. i noticed there are several numbers missing from this list, making this very much not the 151st entry.
152. i lied about one of the items on this list.
153. my siblings are my best friends.
155. i have a problem expressing things.
156. i have lost a parent.
157. i am the most deprived person i know on the face of the planet.
158. i have at least one test tomorrow that i am not prepared for yet.
159. i love slim jims! even if they are really bad for you.
160. i am sick and tired of school so i am not going.
161. i love sundance.
162. i do not watch television.
163. i love starbucks coffee drinks.

164. i am living at least one lie right now.
168. i’m a little crazy.
169. i like the smell of white tic tacs.

170. i know at least one person in a “life or death” crisis at this moment.
172. i always know all the gossip at my school/workplace/whatever, and nobody ever suspects it.
173.i have thought about suicide.
175. i can be selfish.
176. i’m so emo at times.
177. i can solve a 3x3 rubik’s cube.
179. i cheated on a test before.
181. i’m sick of drama

182. i need a job

blue sky

mood: vex

they act as if they know but actually they don't.
they talked a lot but nothing seems to help.

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)

specially for sikai
you complain about my photos in year book before okay :(

always feeling this way

blue screen of death..
my laptop will be dying soon uh?

when can i really know what i want?

if only you try to know what i am thinking, how i feel and what i've been trying to do.
- deleted -
you don't know how hard it is to be me

it's only tuesday, only Tuesday. anyone can fast forward the date to 1st April? i want to be in Malaysia, can i? run away from everything and watch drama with my cousin in her room :) i can really hide there for the whole day watching drama :X okay it may sound wrong but drama take up a part of me. i'm browsing through my secondary school year book and i looked like a (-.-) oh my god seriously look like some monster! haha don't believe can ask sikai, he's always disturbing me with the year book last time. why am i blogging about year book and telling the world that im ugly? haha! but it's a fault, even my mum said im ugly! she said it TODAY.

liting oh liting :)

i may be doing the same but my heart doesn't feel the same.

yong :)

Everyone should watch WGM!

i've been disturbing perng jie and wan jie the whole day. they're the female and male lead for the singapore version of "we got married"! pj got kinda pissed off when i keep adding animation to what he's saying. but it's cool okay, got all the lame ideas from wgm.

i will go look for some funny wgm episode and post it here :D

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)


life is a open book; the story is for you to write;

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)
white balloons are " DEVOL "!

i wish there is delivery service for all sorts of food! not only Macdonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut.

something like this

i need more time to sleep :(

craving for pasa malam fried honey chicken.
huilong wong, you better buy for me or else later you shall walk home :)

if i say i trust you. i really do

hello my bag!
sugar definations

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)
Some, dont even apologize and assume they're doing the right thing.

i want to "you swim, you eat, you fall and you sleep" once again.
chalet @ sentosa :D

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)
You may not be the first but i'm sure you'll be the last

im going to dye my hair *winks* what color should i dye this time round? hmms.
early lunch with them was cool, i finished my plate of wanton mee which pj said i'll not be finishing. haha! im going crazy with this lame report/receipt you called it. tried 2 days to add one more datagrid but it can't seem to work. seriously getting on my nerves! why do i take up this course in the first place?! i thought i hate programming from the start and why am i doing all these for a year. i really have to thank the person who first taught we what's google and how to google, otherwise im still a programming idiot till now :) we people should do something we love to, other than doing something we don't like because you will not enjoy it eventually. and of course you will end up like me. complaining about my work life every single day. hah! complaining isn't a bad thing, it means im thinking that's why i got something to complain about.

auntie finally knew she locked me outside the office.
she asked me today whether i was locked outside yesterday.

how the conversation goes :

auntie: mm, wan jie not coming today?
me: yar, she on mc.
auntie: oh, she went to see the doctor yesterday?
me: yar maybe. she on mc today.
auntie: then i must report to peter.


auntie: oh yar, yesterday you were locked outside the office?
me: yar -.-
auntie: haha! then how you go back?
me: my mum came and fetch me -.-
auntie: haha ic. i knew it because i saw your bag. hahaha!
me: i was thinking "very funny meh? you think fun ah to be locked outside the office -.- "
me: oh.
auntie: so today i take half day, you remember to take your key and lock the door ah.
me: ok.
auntie: okay i go off le, you lock the door later ah.
me: yar ok, bye! "machiam i will forget to lock the door like that -.-"

or maybe she scare i kena rape in the office. shake head! suddenly so concern about me, if you could adjust the temperature of the air con to normal human is able to adapt kind of temperature then i will not be complaining here already. so thank god she went home early and so im able to turn off one of the air con and adjust the temperature to 24 degrees. the air con in my office is mad powerful can, i think polar bear would love to stay here. maybe i should suggest to the zoo to help them save their electricity bills and let auntie make friend with our cute sheba and enuka.

why am i forever so forgetful?
ipod cable. now i can't charge itouch nor jailbreak it. FAIL

Guessing Game
the guessing game we played yesterday was awesome. although it may sounds a bit lame because it's actually a little lame.

joke of the day : GARY
we have so much connections related to gary. HAHAHA!

i gave Ron and Dom a word which is UNISIM and they said there's no such word. today when i was driving back to Ngee Ann after our lunch, finally our dear Ron saw the signboard. the big big UNI SIM! :)

(- runawaytrain.tumblr.com)

guy who plays piano is equilvilent to

gidi gidi -

before hope closes in on you

Byebye my bag, enjoy staying in school huh. see you tomorrow :)

anyone who saw my facebook status for today should know that im locked outside the office at 5.50pm. partly it's my fault for not bringing the office key with me but it's the first time i was locked outside. my bag and stuffs are still inside the office and she locked it. i was playing/doing my work downstairs with pj, ron and dom so i didn't bother to bring the key with me. to be frank, i've never bring the office key anywhere with me before, it's always inside my bag -.- liting, how smart can you be. glad that mum send me to school today instead of me driving because both car keys are with me, so imagine if im driving? my car can camp in school and i will end up taking bus back home all thanks to my "dearest".

what's with me at that moment :
ear piece

okay that's all
that's why im blogging/complaining here now!

Liting Wong my mum asked me for nail clipper and i told her to get it from my bag. ****, where's my bag?! (a few seconds ago)

my facebook status.
luckily my handphone is with me otherwise i will curse and swear! and yes, my bag is a multi-purpose bag with a lot of rubbish in it. nah suddenly, i miss my bag! :X

cute chick!
her father is an officer and her mum is a teacher, how cool?

plain ♥

♥ blue and white

We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

Mum and xiao xiong went back to malaysia on Wednesday. Huilong and i were so bored and we
play with mask last night. he asked me whether a guy put on mask will gay or not! haha :X
he's not very willing to put on the mask due to his past experience. his face will turn out to be
landmines the next day.

oxy mask then facial mask

and well, it happened again! he was complaining the whole morning about his pimples. don't ask why i've such a cute brother. if he treat me dinner and movie tonight then i will tell him my secret of pimple-less face. haha nah, kidding.

should i go IT fair today or go for manicure? don't think i got time for IT fair. by the time i reached home, bathed and changed and take train there -.- driving there is a CAP "NO". because i bet im will not reach my destination on time. end up i will be paying lots of ERP -.0

recently i've been trying to bun my hair but always failed. mum's first attempt and she did it so perfectly. but excuse me, she used my hair to bun! hahaha, so.. conclusion, im such a NOOB. haha! since young she was the one bun-ing my hair for me during primary school. there's only one time in secondary school that i bun my hair up -.- during sport day or something and its michelle who bun for me. one word to describe the feeling : PAIN!

3 more weeks to go :)
i may sound like i wanna leave this place asap, aiya but it's really boring.

it's WHITE

i just found out something really ridiculous 2 days ago. i realized you're a pervertic and insane
creature. god knows you did this kind of stuff, omg. i can't think of any reason for you to do such
a thing.

if anyone of you wanna know what happened, msg me don't expect me to blog it out.

Mathematics may not teach us how to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, or to love a friend and forgive an enemy. But it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution.

i want a flowery bedsheeet! ♥

i need some space to breathe.
painting my room GREEN.

Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be.

i'm so going to dye my hair again, paint my nails red and do all sort of funny things that i missed
out this one year! of course, i will shop for more shorts - all time favorite!
- im going to drag my cousin to go Bangkok and Genting with me.
- going to drive my uncle's toyota caldina :D
- 50cents nasi lemak from Alor Setar
- learn how to ride a bike "properly" (this time round, ah ma can't save me anymore :X)
- count stars on the sky until i fall asleep
- i will make LEE YU FENG bring me for a ride but please make sure i don't fly off the bike.
- i want to eat everything there! yums.
- lets fly kite as well! like what we do when we're still a kid.

okay there's alot more :D

waking up has always been the demon that's haunting me everyday. simply love Saturday and
Sunday because i can sleep all i want. ignoring phone calls and messages, just snore! ha! ♥

chanel eyeliner (X)
FINISHED. first time i finished using a eyeliner. never in my life did i ever finish using my
powder? eyeliner? liquid foundation? or any make up stuffs. liting, im so proud of you for not
wasting :D :D :D mad surprising!

my idiotic brother lao nua on the pillow! -.-
it's quite random for this but i SAW IT!
huilong, you're disgusting you know. tonight i shall put tissue into your mouth!

i want it to be the last.
the only.

i want to go korea

busy looking for korean FM, kind of weird for Singaporean to listen to korean songs?
nah, i think they sound sweeter than chinese songs :x
oh, oh oh oh oh!

ron super into kara especially the song umbrella. haha! i still think SNSD better :p

im still waiting for autumn concerto ep21.
i didn't know ding dang can sing so well, currently addicted to her songs :D

why am i so random today? i don't know either.
but asking random questions are interesting :D

♥ Kyuhyun

i think this super funny, watch this :D

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